
Client: Fisher-Price
Brand: The Best Possible Start
Campaign: Seasonal
Advertising Agency: FCB Global Chicago
Role: Art Direction & Design

T0 capitalize on the Best Possible Start campaign and stand out in a crowded category, Fisher-Price set out to improve the shoppers’ retail engagement within Toys R’ Us in 2016.

There’s nowhere kids would rather shop for toys, than Toy R’ Us. However, Toys R’ Us is just one more stop in an endless sea of parental choices and decisions. To help narrow down these choices, we focused on key drivers for shopper satisfaction: navigation, inspiration and education in a single destination. We developed in-store massive displays that included all three, successfully making it an in-store destination that magnetized, educated and motivated parents to feel this was the space for them–and ultimately driving traffic and sales conversion for Best Possible Start.

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